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Biesiada mazurska, podczas której dwie osoby nakładają na chleb porcję pieczonego mięsa, cebuli i duszonych warzyw. Obok gorących patelni na stole znajdują się porcje chleba, masła oraz ząbki czosnku.


There are places where time goes slower and everything tastes better. Where the love of healthy food and regional history comes first. Enjoy Warmia and Masuria.

Exceptional dishes that you should try in Warmia and Masuria

"Dzyndzałki z hreczką", "plińce z pomoćką", "szmurkul", and for dessert: "brukowiec mazurski" – where to start discovering the cuisine of Warmia and Masuria? The cuisine of Warmia and Masuria combines flavours of old Polish, German and borderland cuisine. It is delicious, natural and simple, yet full of flavour.

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Zdjęcie pierogów w brązowej misce a wokół dania, przyprawy, dynia oraz liście mięty.

Winter cuisine in Warmia and Masuria

Back in the day, seasonal crops most often graced the plates of the region's inhabitants. In the summer, these were fruit, vegetables and the first cereals. In the autumn, potatoes and mushrooms reigned supreme. Spring was all about consuming the remains of the pantry and the first vegetables. What was distinct for the winter cuisine in Warmia and Masuria and what does it look like today?

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Przycumowane stojące w szeregu żaglówki na mazurskim jeziorze
w podczas wschodu słońca.

Discover Western Masuria

In the unanimous opinion of travel and food bloggers as well as tourists visiting the Land of a Thousand Lakes in recent years, Western Masuria has become a sought-after destination for holiday trips.

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An Idyllic getaway - three magical places in Warmia

To discover the tasty, welcoming and artistic Warmia, you should visit Nowe Kawkowo, about 20 kilometres from the regional capital Olsztyn.

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Na stole otwarty słoik z kiszonymi ogórkami a obok czosnek, koper i chwytak do ogórków.

Delicious memories from Warmia and Masuria

We usually bring pleasant memories and symbolic souvenirs from holidays – thanks to them, we can on long winter evenings, recall summer adventures, places we visited and flavours we tasted during the holiday.

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A journey along the trail of Warmian and Masurian delicacies

In addition to their unique natural features and a wide variety of attractions, Warmia and Masuria also offer a plethora of regional dishes and flavours worth sampling. Find out what is particularly worth tasting.

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Danie rybne przygotowane przez restaurację romantyczną w Hotelu Dr. Irena Eris Wzgórza Dylewskie.

Wandering around the land of long forgotten Christmas flavours of Warmia and Masuria

Most of the modern-day Christmas customs of Warmia and Masuria hark back to the mid-twentieth century, when settlers from other regions of the country began to arrive here.

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Na zdjęciu ser owczy typu fermier wyprodukowany w Ranczo Frontiera w Warpunach.

A visit to Warmian and Masurian cheese manufactories

It has become common to think that cheese making in our country is primarily the domain of highlanders, who make traditional oscypeks from sheep's milk. This conviction, lingering in the social consciousness, is beginning to alter, and cheese lovers more and more appreciate and more and more frequently reach for cheeses made in Warmia and Masuria.

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Na zdjęciu wiklinowy koszyk w którym znajdują się owoce runa leśnego - grzyby, jagody. W środku koszyka mały talerz z żurkiem.

Traditional Easter dishes in Warmia and Masuria

As with many other holidays, the celebration of Easter also involves eating large quantities of unique and delicious food. It is no different in our region. The Easter meal at a lavishly set table is an opportunity for many of us to gather with family and have conversations that we might not otherwise find time for.

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Na zdjęciu ser posypany ziołami z gospodarstwa rolnego Państwa Elżbiety i Andrzeja Symonowicz z miejscowości Praslity koło Dobrego Miasta.

Spring flavors in Warmia and Masuria

With the first rays of spring sunshine, our diet also gradually undergoes changes. Shifting away from greasy one-pot meals meant to warm us up on cooler days, we segue into dishes filled with the first spring vegetables and other flavours of the season.

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Walk and taste what's best in Warmia, Masuria and Powiśle

“The way to a man's heart is through his stomach” – this is a saying that everyone knows, and when preparing a festive lunch or dinner for your relatives, you can emphasise the uniqueness of a given moment and place. You can safely say that food is very often an emphasis of one's lifestyle that influences their personal behaviour and decisions.

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New members of the Culinary Heritage Network "Warmia Mazury Powiśle"

The Culinary Heritage Network "Warmia Mazury Powiśle" is currently the largest in Poland, and one of the largest regional organizations in Europe supporting the production and popularization of natural and traditional food consumption, and promoting local entrepreneurship and tourism.

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Fish dishes from Masurian lakes

Fish dishes are an important part of the diet of the inhabitants of the Land of a Thousand Lakes, as well as an attraction for tourists. Thanks to the abundance of lakes, fish have had a great influence on the local cuisine. The culinary tradition of Warmia and Masuria has been shaped by the influences of different cultures for many centuries.

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Zdjęcie micha a w niej potrawa z dziczyzny w której znajdziemy mięso, ziemniaki, warzywa, włoszczyznę a wszystko to przyprawione własnym sosem.

Culinary journeys around Warmia and Mazury

The region offers a wealth of flavors to tourists who are looking for culinary experiences. Regional food and original drinks, including honeys and craft beers, are offered by numerous restaurants and pubs.

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Bukiet zielonych ziół umieszczonych w worku z ziemią, a przy nim stoi ogrodnik ubrany we flanelowej koszuli w kratę.

Freshly gathered - here nature rules

Imagine that you have unspoiled nature at your fingertips and that you can draw from it what is good and healthy. Among the clean air and crystal waters of Warmia and Masuria, the benefits of nature are plenty.

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Zdjęcie przedstawia czworo ludzi w różnym wieku stojących na małym pomoście. Ludzie łowią ryby przy zachodzie słońca.

Fishing only in Masuria

Fish on holiday is a classic. It has to be fresh and taste. In the Land of the Great Masurian Lakes there are plenty of fish, one could say that Warmia and Masuria is a land flowing with fish. So we set off onto the trail of places where they serve fresh, delicious and aromatic fish. We also chose regional dishes made of fish, which one cannot find by the sea.

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Na stole trzy pakiety zawiniętych sznurkiem kiełbasek typu kabanos. Obok w misce gotowany czosnek.

Culinary Heritage Network Warmia Masuria Powiśle

Drawing on the culinary traditions of Warmia, Masuria and Powiśle, based on the high quality of local products - such are the products and services that the Culinary Heritage Network "Warmia Masuria Powiśle" gathers.

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Zdjęcie przedstawia danie regionalnej kuchni warmińsko-mazurskiej czyli dzyndzałki w rosole posypane przyprawami i przyozdobione pietruszką.

Exceptional dishes that you should try in Warmia and Masuria

"Dzyndzałki z hreczką", "plińce z pomoćką", "szmurkul", and for dessert: "brukowiec mazurski" – where to start discovering the cuisine of Warmia and Masuria? The cuisine of Warmia and Masuria combines flavours of old Polish, German and borderland cuisine. It is delicious, natural and simple, yet full of flavour.

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Wybacz ale w tak niskiej rozdzielczości nie jesteśmy w stanie pokazać piękna Warmi i Mazur