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Zdjęcie micha a w niej potrawa z dziczyzny w której znajdziemy mięso, ziemniaki, warzywa, włoszczyznę a wszystko to przyprawione własnym sosem. Zdjęcie micha a w niej potrawa z dziczyzny w której znajdziemy mięso, ziemniaki, warzywa, włoszczyznę a wszystko to przyprawione własnym sosem.

Culinary journeys around Warmia and Mazury

The region offers a wealth of flavors to tourists who are looking for culinary experiences. Regional food and original drinks, including honeys and craft beers, are offered by numerous restaurants and pubs.

Micha a w niej potrawa z dziczyzny w której znajdziemy mięso, ziemniaki, warzywa, włoszczyznę a wszystko to przyprawione własnym sosem. Obok glinianej michy dwie łyżki, czosnek, czerwona papryczka i mazurskie śliwki.


You can reach Warmia and Mazury by plane, landing at Olsztyn-Mazury Airport, located near the village of Szymany. Car rentals operate at the airport and in many cities. There are also convenient train and bus connections from Szymany to Olsztyn Check connections

After reaching the region, we can start the culinary adventures. Each corner of it will offer us something special. Among the abundance of the regional cuisine we can find dishes and flavours referring to Old Polish, German, Warmian, Masurian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian and Russian cuisine.


The dishes typical of the region are prepared according to traditional recipes from natural ingredients: gifts of forests (venison, mushrooms, forest fruits) and lakes (fish), available crops (potatoes, cabbage, cereals) and herbs. Additional gourmet attractions are the traditions related to meals and celebrating the holidays, building a unique atmosphere.

W misce glinianej przygotowane do spożycia żeberka z dziczyzny po wcześniejszym usmażeniu i doprawieniu do smaku.

Many of the restaurants that offer regional dishes belong to the European Culinary Heritage Network. Referring to tradition, network members produce and promote high-quality food

Numerous culinary festivals  take place in the region during the summer in order to promote regional cuisine. Among them are events dedicated to, among others, fish dishes (Mikołajki), venison (Lidzbark Warmiński), goose (Iława), potatoes (Szczytno), herbs (Olsztynek), honey (Ełk), milk (Olecko), as well as kartacz (Gołdap), traditional bread (Elbląg), dumplings (Biesowo), cheese and cottage cheese (Lidzbark Warmiński, Olsztyn).

In addition to culinary experiences, Warmia and Mazury offer climatic stays in spa and wellness facilities. Some operate in Gothic castles (Ryn, Giżycko, Lidzbark Warmiński), others – in modern, exclusive interiors. They have one thing in common – their location among forests and lakes gives a real respite during the holidays.


Na stole trzy pakiety zawiniętych sznurkiem kiełbasek typu kabanos. Obok w misce gotowany czosnek.

Culinary Heritage Network Warmia Masuria Powiśle

Drawing on the culinary traditions of Warmia, Masuria and Powiśle, based on the high quality of local products - such are the products and services that the Culinary Heritage Network "Warmia Masuria Powiśle" gathers.

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Zdjęcie przedstawia danie regionalnej kuchni warmińsko-mazurskiej czyli dzyndzałki w rosole posypane przyprawami i przyozdobione pietruszką.

Exceptional dishes that you should try in Warmia and Masuria

"Dzyndzałki z hreczką", "plińce z pomoćką", "szmurkul", and for dessert: "brukowiec mazurski" – where to start discovering the cuisine of Warmia and Masuria? The cuisine of Warmia and Masuria combines flavours of old Polish, German and borderland cuisine. It is delicious, natural and simple, yet full of flavour.

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Bukiet zielonych ziół umieszczonych w worku z ziemią, a przy nim stoi ogrodnik ubrany we flanelowej koszuli w kratę.

Freshly gathered - here nature rules

Imagine that you have unspoiled nature at your fingertips and that you can draw from it what is good and healthy. Among the clean air and crystal waters of Warmia and Masuria, the benefits of nature are plenty.

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Wybacz ale w tak niskiej rozdzielczości nie jesteśmy w stanie pokazać piękna Warmi i Mazur