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Zdjęcie przedstawia danie regionalnej kuchni warmińsko-mazurskiej czyli dzyndzałki w rosole posypane przyprawami i przyozdobione pietruszką. Zdjęcie przedstawia danie regionalnej kuchni warmińsko-mazurskiej czyli dzyndzałki w rosole posypane przyprawami i przyozdobione pietruszką.

Exceptional dishes that you should try in Warmia and Masuria

“Dzyndzałki z hreczką”, “plińce z pomoćką”, “szmurkul”, and for dessert: “brukowiec mazurski” – where to start discovering the cuisine of Warmia and Masuria? The cuisine of Warmia and Masuria combines flavours of old Polish, German and borderland cuisine. It is delicious, natural and simple, yet full of flavour.

Na drewnianym stole w misce potrawa mazurska zwana dzyndzałki z hreczką i skrzeczkami. Danie podobne do pierogów z farszem gryki i skwarki z boczku lub słoniny. Dodatkowo danie zawiera  czosnek i majeranek. Obok miski z daniem w drewnianym kubku pieprz ziarnisty.


A tiny fish that’s hard to taste elsewhere. Its fishing is only carried out in the winter, when the Masurian lakes are gathering ice. Smelts inhabit some of the region’s waters, as they prefer cold waters with a high degree of oxygenation. Smelt’s meat has a specific smell, completely different from the typical smell of fish, because it smells of… fresh cucumber.

After frying, these fish are mild in taste and their bones are completely soft. This Masurian delicacy can be tasted in the form of a crunchy miller’s smelt floating in sauces or accompanied by salads, cheese toast and mayonnaise sauce.

Dzyndzałki z hreczką i skrzeczkami

Where did the name “dzyndzałki” come from? It’s a matter of dispute. This most popular theory is that from tassels (Pl. “dzyndzle”), that is, “ears” on the edges of dumplings. Hreczka is buckwheat, and skrzeczki are popular bacon or pork fat greaves. But don’t let this simple explanation fool you, because these are not ordinary dumplings. The whole secret of “dzyndzałki” is inside them.

The buckwheat groats stuffing is enriched with chopped boiled egg, smoked bacon and onion, and the “skrzeczki” additionally contain garlic and marjoram. Warmia people also liked their “dzyndzałki” with beef stuffing, goose, and smoked fish. “Dzyndzałki” undoubtedly made the greatest culinary career of all Warmian regional delicacies.

Plińce z pomoćką

What’s behind that name? Potato pancakes with a fluffy filling made of cottage cheese and cream. It is an excellent alternative to potato pancakes with traditional additions.

Warmia and Masuria is a beautiful region and has long been rich in potatoes. The local housewives were able to conjure up a sophisticated dinner and sweet dessert from them.

And “plińce z pomoćką” is a glimpse of the championship in preparing potatoes. Soft, crispy, delicious potato pancakes accompanied by cream and cottage cheese are an obligatory culinary “to try” dish during culinary journeys through the lands of Warmia.

Na drewnianym stole podana potrawa na talerzu zwana Plińce z pomoćką. Są to placki ziemniaczane z puszystą masą zrobioną z twarogu i śmietany posypane szczypiorkiem  z odrobiną śmietany. Pod talerzem znajduje się ściereczka a obok leży metalowa łycha.
Na zdjęciu sześć ciastek koloru brązowego podobnych do pierników zwanych brukowcami.  Swoją nazwę zawdzięczają temu, że na jego wierzchnią warstwę składają się małe, ściśle przylegające do siebie kulki przypominające bruk. Obok ciastek znajduje się obrana skórka pomarańczy oraz trzy laski cynamonu.


Not only Torun has its gingerbread. In Masuria, during the Christmas period, the tables are ruled by “brukowiec”. However, it differs from traditional gingerbread. It took its name from the fact that its top layer is made up of small, tightly adjacent balls resembling paving stones (Pl. “bruk”).

If we’re already on the subject of sweets, we can’t forget about the Baumkuchen. Its ingredients are: real country eggs, butter without additives and good flour. But the ingredients are not everything.

It is baked on the fire, and two specialists for an hour and a half carefully turn and pour over the dough to obtain a dough weighing over 3 kg, whose taste is unique.


Zdjęcie przedstawia czworo ludzi w różnym wieku stojących na małym pomoście. Ludzie łowią ryby przy zachodzie słońca.

Fishing only in Masuria

Fish on holiday is a classic. It has to be fresh and taste. In the Land of the Great Masurian Lakes there are plenty of fish, one could say that Warmia and Masuria is a land flowing with fish. So we set off onto the trail of places where they serve fresh, delicious and aromatic fish. We also chose regional dishes made of fish, which one cannot find by the sea.

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Zdjęcie przedstawia pole maków a pośrodku pola mały staw.

Stunning places in Warmia and Masuria

In Warmia and Masuria you will find places that delight and look fabulous without the help of instagram filters. The most beautiful environment, dignified castles full of mysteries, and inspiring people.

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Zdjęcie przedstawia mężczyznę żwawo biegnącego na nartach przez ośnieżoną drogę.

Winter events worth taking part in

Several kilometers of picturesque cross-country skiing trails, more and more ski resorts and lifts in a beautiful winter scenery, frozen lakes ideal for ice sailing - all this attracts lovers of winter sports to Warmia and Masuria. Check out the most popular winter events in the region.

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Wybacz ale w tak niskiej rozdzielczości nie jesteśmy w stanie pokazać piękna Warmi i Mazur