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Off the grid – discover places perfect for a digital detox

When the pace of life is fast, and we are overloaded with information coming from traditional and social media, we increasingly want to rest without television, mobile network coverage, and the internet. In Warmia and Mazury, you will find plenty of places where you can treat yourself to a digital detox and focus on experiencing the surrounding reality – directly and with all your senses.


Zdjęcie przedstawia spływ kajakiem Krutynią podczas zimy. Czerwony dwuosobowy kajak płynie przez zamarzniętą wodę, a trawy dookoła mają słomiany kolor.

PTTK Water Station in Sorkwity is usually the first point on the Krutynia canoe trail. It is located on Lampackie Lake and is surrounded by a charming forest. Coming to Sorkwit, you can escape from the hustle and bustle of big cities, the crowd, and everyday life to soak up the peace and quiet and enjoy the contact with nature. It is also a great place to enjoy water sports, but only with the use of wind or muscle-powered floatation equipment. This place is also an ideal starting point for cyclists, Nordic walking and running enthusiasts. Numerous nature trails and hiking trails encourage you to discover the charms of Masuria and look for beautiful views to take that perfect picture.

Para dziewczyna i chłopiec uśmiechniętych młodych osób,  podobnie ubranych, siedzących przed otwartym namiotem.

One of the most mysterious lands in the region is Mazury Garbate. It is here, near Olecko, that you will find the village of Szarejki, with its camping site Szarejkowe Wzgórza. Amateurs of camping with a tent, trailer, or camper van are welcome here. The 27-hectare site provides ideal conditions for a comfortable stay in the countryside. There are electricity and water connections for campers, caravans and tent sectors, toilets and washrooms with hot water, places to cook, eat and wash dishes. The surrounding area is tranquil and peaceful, and the site is fenced and well landscaped.

If tent camping is your thing, be sure to visit Camping Tumiany, located in the heart of Warmia on Lake Pisz and near Lake Tumianskie. Both lakes are crossed by a river, which is an attractive but not easy canoeing route. At different sections it has different names: Dymer, Dadaj, Pisa Warmińska, Wadąg. In Olsztyn’s Municipal Forest, it joins the Łyna, which you can follow further north to the state border. The resort’s location is exceptional – the two lakes and the forest around create a unique atmosphere that tourists longing for a rest from the hustle and bustle will appreciate. If you like walks by the water, evenings by the fire and unforgettable sunsets, staying here is something for you. The resort can accommodate not only in a tent but also in comfortable apartments, cabins, and caravanning sites.

Zdjęcie przedstawia czworo ludzi w różnym wieku stojących na małym pomoście. Ludzie łowią ryby przy zachodzie słońca.

These places are also an excellent base for visiting the region’s tourist attractions. If you would prefer to enjoy all the advantages of these resorts, but camp in the most elegant way, go to Glendoria, one of the first glamping sites in Poland which can be found near Lukta.

Fot. Glendoria

Zdjęcie przedstawia błękitne jezioro w którym odbija się zielony las.

W trasie. Kempingi i pola namiotowe

A gdyby tak spakować do bagażnika namiot, karimatę, śpiwór, poczuć zew natury i ruszyć w nieznane? Zadekować się na fajnym kempingu i robić bliższe lub dalsze rowerowe wycieczki. Tak jest na Warmii i Mazurach. A gdzie dokładnie?

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Przyczepa kempingowa ustawiona w lesie.

In a motorhome through Warmia and Mazury - we are waiting for you

There is nothing like having your own mobile home, thanks to which you have the opportunity to camp in various places in Warmia and Mazury, communing with nature practically at your fingertips.

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Jezioro z lotu ptaka na widoczne są pływające żaglówki. Na dalszym planie widzimy przesmyk pomiędzy akwenami porośnięty z obu stron trzciną.

Warmia Mazury – Cudownie tu Być!

Warmińsko–mazurskie można śmiało określić, jako region o wysokiej atrakcyjności turystycznej. Ponad 3000 jezior sprawia, że kraina wygląda jak wielki, niebieski ptak rozciągający swe skrzydła na tle lasów. Mazury są finalistą konkursu na 7 Nowych Cudów Natury w 2011 r.

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Wybacz ale w tak niskiej rozdzielczości nie jesteśmy w stanie pokazać piękna Warmi i Mazur