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Przycumowane do pomostu na mazurskim jeziorze stojące w szeregu trzy żaglówki podczas pochmurnej pogody. Przycumowane do pomostu na mazurskim jeziorze stojące w szeregu trzy żaglówki podczas pochmurnej pogody.

Where to sail in Warmia and Masuria

When you think about vacation in Warmia and Masuria, spending time by the beautiful lakes of this region surely comes first. And if you combine lakes and active recreation, it means sailing! If you do not know where to start your sailing adventure or are looking for a new route, and you also like taking beautiful photos – we are here to help!

A city that is clearly associated with sailing is Giżycko, located in the centre of the Land of the Great Masurian Lakes. From here you can go on several interesting routes, for example towards Mikołajki or Węgorzewo. You will start from Lake Niegocin, and on the way you will be able to observe numerous species of waterfowl, such as swans. If you plan to take photos, these routes will be a good choice.

Fot. Redakcja / DM

If you want interesting views, try sailing on Lake Dobskie. There you will find the Cormorant Island with a breeding colony of cormorants and gray herons. Another beautiful birds worth photographing. Remember, however, that Lake Dobskie is a quiet zone and motorboats cannot be used there. The island is also within the area of a nature reserve, so you can only land there in designated areas.

Fot. Piotr Dynowski / www.jezioro.com.pl

Do you dream of sailing to another mysterious island? Maybe even one that was not marked on some maps … On Lake Mamry, near Upałty Island, there is a smaller Pyramid Island. There used to be a monument (13 m high) in the shape of a pyramid. Years later, when the water level rose, the monument was blown by the waves. Upałty Island has breeding sites for rare bird species, such as the white-tailed eagle. However, you will not see them up close, because this area is also within the restrictions of a nature reserve.

Have you felt like sailing and watching beautiful birds? We wish you good photoshooting and a nice active rest!

Fot. Piotr Dynowski / www.jezioro.com.pl

Na stole trzy pakiety zawiniętych sznurkiem kiełbasek typu kabanos. Obok w misce gotowany czosnek.

Culinary Heritage Network Warmia Masuria Powiśle

Drawing on the culinary traditions of Warmia, Masuria and Powiśle, based on the high quality of local products - such are the products and services that the Culinary Heritage Network "Warmia Masuria Powiśle" gathers.

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Na zdjęciu mała dziewczynka i chłopiec bawiące się w lesie.

Holidays with children in Warmia and Mazury - family fun together

When choosing Warmia and Mazury as a destination to visit with your kids and spend a vacation or a planned weekend, you search for places and hotels with a swimming pool, slide, playground, rope park, so that our children are occupied, and you, an adult, can have some time for yourself.

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Spływ rzeką Dajną. Na zdjęciu niebieski kajak z dwiema wioślarkami pokonujący zakręt na rzece i wpływający nurtem rzeki do następnej odnogi Dajny.

Kayaking around Warmia and Mazury

Warmia and Mazury is a Mecca for water sports enthusiasts. The abundance of lakes, natural water canals and rivers create perfect conditions for organising a several hours long trip or a few days long canoeing trip.

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Wybacz ale w tak niskiej rozdzielczości nie jesteśmy w stanie pokazać piękna Warmi i Mazur